Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Further To The Above Noted Matter

Well, it wasn’t exactly in these terms, but my “friend” just told me that there was no need to be a wounded puppy, and pretty much no one cares anymore about my tales of woe. It actually was a lot harsher than that. Wow! Ouch! So, I guess, sorry for being so hard on some of you.

So, for a treat for you all today, I will provide you with the entertainment I know you have all been seeking for the past little while.

When I was in high school, and really had no idea what to do with the rest of my life (I really never imagined it turning out this way.) I had to take one of those career placement tests. Where the top five career choices came out as follows:

1. Psychic (That’s right, you read that right. Psychic. And I think ever since then I have had a belief that I may or may not have a small clairvoyant ability.)

2. Wedding Planner (I thought this was greatest idea until I actually kinda got into the planning of a wedding, and then I realized what a huge mess weddings actually were. And that there were few people in this world who think a hot dog wedding was as funny as I do.)

3. Arab Translator (Sure, I could translate. But I would have to learn Arab first. Hope that isn’t a problem.)

4. Elementary School Teacher (Let’s not even go there.)

5. Newspaper Editor/Writer (I had never really contemplated this one much. Come on, given the idea of psychic and translator, the newspaper seemed too easy. Besides, seriously, when was the last time you picked up a newspaper, and actually read an article from it, and not just looked for the Sunshine Girl/Boy or the newest Garfield cartoon?)

So I decided that it had been eight years since my last career placement test, so I took another one today to see what I could still become.

Here are the Top Ten results:

1. Clergy
2. Writer
3. Inventor
4. Florist
5. Comedian
6. Politician
7. Producer
8. Legal Assistant
9. Librarian
10. Advertising Specialist

How did the internets know me so well! I love the idea of all of these jobs!

But what I really find funny is that out of all of the careers in this world, I really could be a Legal Assistant. Who knew?

Thanks to Jenny who really did predict that, last night was going to be a Top Night. (I always miss Ashley Smith when I say that.) Full of a few funny Facebook messages, phone calls to Flick, Stranger Danger, Boots, birthday celebrations and a lot of food. Somehow, I feel this week is really starting to look up.

Am I really going to Preference, even after all my protesting and picketing against it?


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