Friday, October 22, 2010

This One Is About Gum...Really

I am insanely tired tonight, not only from a very long and busy work week, but also from chasing my goofy, but adorable 1 1/2 year old niece around all night. It is scary how big and smart she is getting.

But because I love you, and only because of that, I am writing another blog challenge post. Today I am suppose to tell you a fun fact about me.  First of all, every single fact about me is fun, but secondly, I think I have shared just about everything a person can share on a blog. So I thought and thought and thought all day of something that I haven't shared with you, and sadly only came up with this lame tidbit. Yes, I am apologizing in advance.

What feels like many years ago I lived with 7 other girls. It was a super diverse house, from the girliest girl to the absolute tomboy. Everyone had such different personalities and character traits. Included in this was a girl that was so super cheap. I know that sounds harsh, but I think she would be okay with that characterization.  She hated to buy anything new, and was always on the look out for free items, no matter what they were.  (She's that girl would bring home leftovers from any and every party she went to.)

Anyways, among a throng of money saving methods, she use to only chew half a piece of gum. She could make a regular package of gum last two weeks to a month. Out of everything she did, we made the most fun of her for only chewing tiny pieces of gum. After all how expensive is gum anyways?

Flash forward to a year or two ago, when I was quickly running out of gum, and money. Suddenly the idea flashed into my head to give chewing half a piece a try. At first it seemed way too small. What was the point of even chewing any gum if it was going to be that tiny? But after a week or so of chewing my half pieces I gave up this lame money saving tactic, and once again returned to regularly portioned gum....only to realize that a whole stick of gum was way too big,and it was all I could do to keep myself from choking on this giant wad.

So now I'm hooked. In fact, I have even started to half my halves. I know it sounds absolutely crazy, but give it a try, you will soon agree with me, and will find it hard to go back to just chewing gum willy nilly.

Sorry. No one promised you sanity around here.

As Always,

1 comment:

Leinani said...

I do that too! But only because my mother did it first...