Thursday, April 22, 2010

And Other Such Nonsense

The happiest of Earth Day to you. Long before global warming was an issue, back in the days of banning CFCs, the growing holes in the ozone and when acid rain was suppose to kills us all, my Grade Four teacher was really into the environment. She was always making our spelling lists include words like resources and recycle. We had a Litter Club, where our class spent most recesses picking up garbage. We wrote letters to Ralph Klein, the then Provincial Minister of the Environment, asking for more recycling depots. We planted trees and even used environmental cleaning supplies during our Grade Four campout to Cypress Hills. (I still don’t know why they thought taking three whole classes of nine year olds on a week long camping trip was a good idea.) It is my hope that somewhere out there Ms. McGuire (The first teacher I ever knew who went by Ms.) is having a very green day.

I for one think that the day should be a mandatory planetary holiday. If you live on Earth, you get the day off. Think about the reduced carbon footprint if we all got the day off!

I feel like I have been gone for a long time, but in reality it’s only been a week. It has been a long week, and sadly, there is still another day to go. However, it’s not like the weekends are much better, in fact, in the name of fun, I find that my weekends are actually busier than my weekdays. I just need an Earth Day holiday to unwind and get some much needed sleeping in done. But sadly, we all have to wait until our mid-May Victoria Day holiday for another long weekend. But knowing how those kinds of weekends go, it won’t turn into a weekend of much rest.

For those of you who didn’t know, I work downtown in a pretty tall (the tallest this city has) office building. The view from my window (the one I share with three other people) is quite amazing. It has been exciting, especially since our piles of snow melted quickly away, to see the entire city turn green. Spring has definitely sprung and summer will be here before you know it. Where did the year go?

So today is a springtime questionnaire just for you! Leave a comment or two or three with your answers. Copy it for your own blog. Fill it out in your head and have others look at you strangely when you start laughing at your own cleverly thought out answers.

1. I know it’s spring when….
2. Everyone knows the best Popsicle flavour is…
3. If I were designing a kite I would make it…
4. My favourite part about spring is…
5. If it has to rain it better…
6. The best barbequed food is…
7. Yard work is…
8. The best way to eat ice cream is…
9. It wouldn’t be spring without…
10. This summer is going to be…

Good luck to all of us. Looking forward to all kinds of sunshiny days with you.

As Always,

1 comment:

Brently said...

The best barbecue food is grilled pineapple! mmmmm.... and I must say that you can't fool me...Spring does not exist in Canada! It is freezing cold with snow one day and the next it is summer...NO SPRING. I hate to be the bearer of bad news...