Friday, October 31, 2008

Title Not Included

Oh my. Well happy Halloween, I guess. I should tell you first off that I am not a fan of the Halloween. It seemed a bit better when free candy was involved, but walking block after block in the usually freezing cold just to get a few tiger pops and some rockets didn’t really seem worth it by the end of the night.

Our office has gone a little goofy with the Halloween hijinks. After the long, hard week we all seemed to have, it has been somewhat fun to scare people with fake spiders or skeletons. We have already eaten our weight in candy and cupcakes, and the ladies have devoured two bags of candy corn just this morning! (Really, candy corn?!?) The morning has gone by quickly, and only small smatterings of work have been accomplished, just what we all needed.

Tonight is our ward Halloween Party/ YSA dance. I have spent the past three years dressing up as “Hot Girl With Wings” but I foolishly got rid of my wings when Jenny and I moved earlier this year. I searched the well picked over city for a new costume or some replacement wings but only found a playboy bunny or naughty nurse costume. Shaking my head at both suggestions, I have decided to attend our Halloween fete as “Miss Victoria Park” which, yes, I understand isn’t really a costume considering I already won the title.

Last night was our 727 reunion. Multiple years ago now, there use to be the one house in the ward that everyone wanted to live at, the 727 house. Eight of us crammed into a tiny house that should have long since been demolished. We hosted lavish parties, entertained countless boys, ate a lot of cake and laughed even more. It was always busy, always noisy but always fun. It was the perfect place to be at the time.

Most of us had moved away, gotten married and even had a few kids, so I organized a reunion. We went out for dinner, told a few stories, and laughed at all of our favourite memories of each other, but something had changed.

Seeing as I was one of the only single girls left, we also spent time discussing teething, potty training tactics and various other aspects of family life. I realized we had nothing left in common. No one wanted to hear about my YSA mishaps, and I certainly didn’t want to hear about changing diapers.

I left dinner somewhat disappointed, how naive I was to think things wouldn’t change in all the time we have spent apart. I ran to Book Club to realize I should be grateful for the friends I have at the moment. While I have had some wonderful friends in the past, it is really those in the present that matter right now. So thanks girls, lets hope that Book Club never disbands.

Trying to get it everything finished. There is just so much left to do both at work and away from it. Bracing for an busy weekend and even busier next week.

A visit to our Tawny dog this weekend.

Just waiting.

As Always,

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