Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I’m Looking Through You And Other Songs That Apply

Strangely, I went to bed before Jenny last night. I spent most of my holiday getting up much earlier than I ever would had I been home and going to the office, but I knew that it would be harder to get up to come to the office than to get out of bed to go shoe shopping.

(Side story: I searched pretty long and hard to find new black heals while I was on holidays. Something that wasn’t too high, too pointy or too stupid. But of all the stores I went to in Utah, I didn’t find anything. Jenny and I went to the mall yesterday, and just in passing we checked out a shoe sale at one of the stores in the mall, there they were, just the shoes I was looking for, and on sale too!)

It is nice to be home. I can only take living out of a suitcase for so long. Plus it did feel pretty weird being casual all day everyday. It was nice to slip into my wool pants this morning.

It is good to be back home with Jenny. Only having one other person at the house makes you realise just how quiet things get by yourself. Ashley, Jenny and I spent a noisy night on Sunday recounting all of the tales of mostly woe that occurred while I was out of the country. Even though we emailed each other almost everyday, and I really was only gone a week, our midnight Denny’s run was just what we all needed, even if we all felt like death in the morning.

McDonald’s did respond to the letter I sent them a few weeks ago. Read the reply here. Of course I am not holding my breath waiting for any change, but Jenny and I are grateful for the free Big Macs.

Just trying to get back into normal life, and also into our new life without Eric.

Wishing you were different.

Where is RDH when I need him?

As Always,

PS--Oh yah, I am not, nor ever going to be, Mrs. Garner. Sorry McDonalds.

1 comment:

LeitaAnn said...

Under the golden arches. I like that. Yeah you could have always sent them exact locations of bad places, but then again where's the fun in that? Let them sweat it out. I'd then send another letter in a couple months. If you want more free food that is.