Tuesday, July 08, 2008

But Most Of All, God Speed

Oh my goodness, some sort of mid afternoon fatigue has hit me, and I seriously would give anything to have a door on my office so that I could have a quick nap. I just happened to read an article last night with tips to increase energy, and I have attempted almost all of the tactics suggested, I have increased my fluid, taken a small walk around the office and even had an afternoon snack, but I still am exhausted.

For some stupid reason, every night I keep waking up hours before I really need to. Always different times, but always at least two hours before my alarm goes off. Today, I was awoken at 5:01am. So for two weeks I wake up every day in a panic that I have slept in; I take a minute or two to come to my senses and realize that there is still plenty of time left to sleep, and quickly return to sleep. I am starting to get annoyed. I don’t know why this seems to keep happening, I am not excessively excited about going to work, nor desperately nervous about being late, I just need to convince my mind of these facts.

Today is the big DLP’s birthday at the office, and he ended up receiving the cake I was suppose to get for my birthday. It was surprisingly good, much better than the pastry experiment that I received.

Alright, here is the story of the day!

My car smells funny. (Stop laughing) About two days ago, I began to smell the souring milk that is escaping from my backseat. Using my private eye skills I deduced that something must have fallen out of our bags when Jenny and I got groceries a few days ago. So I searched my backseats for the smelly culprit, but only found a few empty pop bottles. I am hoping to conduct a more invasive search of the vehicle tonight, but am a little weary of doing so.

A few years go I worked at Budget Car and Truck rentals, renting out vehicles to various clients. But just my luck, during the time I worked there, we were contacted by the production crew of the movie RV. They were going to not only need vehicles for their production crew, but also for the stars of the movie during their shoot in Alberta. Yes, including Robin Williams.

We gave Robin Williams, or I should say the person that picked up the car for “Don Williams”, a brand new large silver SUV. And for a whole month Robin Williams drove our vehicle around town and Southern Alberta. (Talk about excitement!)

When the received the vehicle back, it was relatively clean, but had a weird odour coming from it. We search up and down and all around, but were unable to come up with where the smell was coming from. A couple of days later, I opened up a small compartment located in the back of the SUV, and found a plastic bag of horrible smelling green liquid and maggots crawling in the carpet of the section. (Sorry everyone, I should have warned you.)

We had the vehicle professionally cleaned, but they still had to replace all of the carpet in the vehicle because of the smell, and maggots. I still have no idea what “Don Williams” left behind. I am always tempted to write him a letter with that story.

Fingers crossed that I find something a lot tamer in my car.

Thankful for everything, but mostly GST Cheques! Hooray for being below the poverty line! (Actually I don’t know why we get GST cheques, but I am not going to complain.)

As Always,

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