Friday, March 07, 2008

You’d Better Hurry Cause It’s Going Fast

Well, after a long week, are you not all so glad that it is now Friday?

I was incredibly productive this morning and did more in my first hour than I sometimes do in a day. Yes, there were a lot of phone calls and minor fires that I had to put out, but I scurried around the office, getting out invoices, creating wonderfully crafted correspondence, stapling, collating and producing above average documents, of course, all with bouncy hair and impressive fashion choices.

As we got ready for lunch, I took a moment to ponder on my impressive productivity, and I soon realized what had helped me stay on task so well:
My ipod, or more appropriately, the lack of my ipod. Sure, I plugged it in, and I had even chosen a playlist to listen to this morning, but due to an immediate phone call, I never pushed play. And in fact the whole morning went by without any music.

This afternoon, full of Chinese food, surrounded by the dense heat that fills my non-windowed office most afternoons, and of course, music pouring from my awful computer speakers; production output has taken a holiday. Who knows, maybe we can rally before the end of the day?

Well dearest blog readers, after realizing that I had written 300 posts, I decided that perhaps it was time that we shook up my blog world and perhaps change the template of my blog.

There weren't really any pre-designed templates that screamed awesomeness to me, and not being overly confident with HTML, I debated a while about creating my own template. (I think I was sick the day we learned HTML in college. Yup, that’s right, college. I know, I know, some of you no doubt learned it elementary school. But then again, you have to remember that I am one of the few people you know that graduated from high school way back in the 20th Century.)

But I decided give blog template creating somewhat of a try. Realizing that my webpage designing skills were really lacking, I worked into the early morning hours to produce a mediocre template.

Tired both physically, as well as mentally from the project I had endeavoured to undertake, I quickly changed my current template for my overtly homemade attempt. As I laid in bed and thought about what to wear for work today, the nagging feeling of uncertainty came into my mind, and I got out of bed to change my template back to its original glory.

If you happened to be reading my blog at about 2:00am last night, you might have seen my not quite masterpiece. I am still debating about giving template design the old college try, but maybe realizing that I am happy with what I chose 2 ½ years ago.

I understand, apparently I suffer from some sort of change sickness, and even my inability to change has made its way into my cyber world.

Trying to get it all figured out. Hoping the weekend brings fun, excitement and some sort of normalcy back into our lives.

Good luck. And as always, God speed.

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