Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer Swallowed Us Whole

Just like TWIB, this is You Make The Call.
(Who ever thought I would talk about This Week In Baseball on my blog? I must be my father’s daughter.)

Is three girls falling asleep on their front lawn an inventive way of staying out of their hot house, and getting some well needed rest, or is it a scene right out of Hobo Junction? You Make The Call.

A couple of days ago, while at my parent’s house, I found a CD I had burned with all of my MP3 from 2002 (back when I was 21, a nice age.) So I brought it to work to enjoy a little blast from the past.

I realized for the most part, I am still listening to a lot of the music that is on this CD. Five years later, I am still listening to Sloan, The Tragically Hip, Weezer, James Taylor, Jimmy Eat Word and The Beatles, of course.

But as to be expected, this CD also lacked some of the musical maturity that I have now gained. (Stop laughing, Soul Decision is sophisticated.) Included in those are Brittany Spears, Pink, Geri Haliwell, and Enrique Iglesias. And of course the CD had the hits of 2002, including one of my favourites from that year, Drops of Jupiter by Train.

I guess it goes to show that good music really never gets old. But it also shows how much really can change in five years. This old music is like talking to an old friend. You know they will bring back wonderful memories, but other than that, their work is done. You have moved on, and so have they.

Here’s to:

Moving on with a new you. Is it possible? When did that happen? Why didn’t you try harder?

Hot days and lazy nights

More time with Dr. Olsen, and less time at the office.

The new you. Maybe? Why not?

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