Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Unknown Quotients

Oh kids. I would say that it has been one of those days or weeks, but it seems like it has been one of those years. Can you believe that we have already made it half way through 2011. Barf!

This year is strangely wearing me out. My coworkers and I literally count the hours every day until the weekend, and sadly weekend after weekend goes by without getting anything crossed off my to do list. Wasn't I suppose to unpack from my move last September before now?

Look, I definitely learned my lesson. Do not complain about work. Insanely busy at work is much, much, much, much better than no work at all. But sometimes I wish I had a couple of months to myself again, just to get some things done and maybe spend more of my time talking to all of you.

So....hows about another 30 day blog challenge!?!?

I decided to undertake the 30 Day Song Challenge that has been floating around Facebook for some time now.

Day 1--Your Favourite Song

Seriously?!? You expect out of my whole music library to pick just one stellar tune?

So I thought I would leave for you a song that is definitely climbing the most played charts on my ipod.

Girl Inform Me--The Shins

I've seen Garden State....more than once. I thought The Shins were all too played out on my ipod, until a few weeks ago when this song randomly began playing. I've been mesmerized ever since.

You could do worse than The Shins, even if they do remind me too much of Zach Braff. Take a listen if you aren't familiar.

See you tomorrow!

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