Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad, I Guess

Sorry kids. I know I have been gone for most of the month. It isn’t because I haven’t had a plethora of feelings swirling around my head, but more that I decided a while ago that this wasn’t the place to share all of my paranoid thoughts and complaints. (Much to your chagrin, I am sure.) I must admit that things haven’t been all that bad around here. I have most of what I want, and all, plus a little more, of what I need, so there is really no room for complaints.

Our first summertime long weekend came and quickly went, and all without me completing anything on my massive to-do list. I will need to find another dead monarch to celebrate in order to get another day off work. Maybe I should invoke my dual citizenship and celebrate Memorial Day away from the office. (I am pretty sure that I suggest this every non-Canadian, American holiday, but have yet to put my plan into action.)

I spent the weekend with my ever crazy and growing niece, went on our long weekend, late night, Denny’s adventure with some of my favourite people, took a drive or two in my still new smelling car and even got some sleeping in done. While satisfying enough, I figured that the weekend would be non-blog worthy, until Saturday night happened.

I ventured to the store later Saturday night to pick up some groceries. Without a real plan and some time on my hands I slowly perused the aisles, idly placing items in my cart, when all of the sudden a lady in her mid-thirties approached me. She asked me if I have found any good deals. I smiled weakly and engaged in some very small, small talk. Just as I was about to walk away from my sociable new friend, she began to tell me how beautiful I am. I looked at her strangely and politely thanked her for her compliment, but she didn’t end there. She went on and on gushing about how cute I am, and what a great personality I have. (All true points.)

Standing there confused, my friend went on. She asked me if I would be interested in helping her with a project that she was starting. I should have just said no thank you and moved on, but I was sort of intrigued, especially after all of the compliments I had received.

I asked the lady what her project entailed and she began to tell me about how it took someone who was comfortable being themselves, and other nonsensical buzzwords. At this point anyone else would have walked away, but I was so curious to find out what she wanted with me. Was I going to be a model? Was it some scientific research project? Was this really a hidden camera show?

My friend got closer and asked me if I would do one thing for her. She asked me to write down all of my life goals and attach a monetary value to them, and then take the paper that I have written all of goals on and sleep with it for a whole month. Her examples of life goals I might have were to move to Vancouver and to find a nice retirement home to put my parents into. (Neither of which are my life’s goals.) I agreed, with fingers crossed, that I would participate in her strange goal game. (Don’t you also wonder why I have to sleep with this paper?)

That’s when she finally handed me her card. She was selling energy drinks. No wonder she was so enthusiastic. She wanted me to participate in her pyramid scheme. She asked for my phone number. I should have explained that I don’t drink energy drinks so why in the world would I ever want to sell them, but I had participated in this odd exchange too long. I quickly wrote down my phone number, with a few numbers conveniently changed, and hurried out of the store.

With the luck I have, I should have guessed that I would end up being poached to be part of a pyramid scheme whist grocery shopping. With all of the build up that occurred, I wish it had been something more elaborate and even crazier that I could have gotten myself into.

Here’s hoping the rest of the week and month treats all of us all right.

Wishing I had Leita around, if only for her no-nonsense advice.

All fingers crossed.

As Always,

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