Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Fascinating Year

So remember that new blog that I have been promising for the past couple of weeks? Well, I think it is finally ready to release to the world! Aren't you excited!?!

Let's explain what it is first, okay? Shortly after meeting my dear Jenny, she introduced me to an fantastically funny book called The Fascinating Girl. This book, first published in 1970, it is now an outdated get a husband how-to manual.

Everyone we have shared the book with has questioned whether or not the techniques suggested in the book really worked. Maybe this book held the secret to never being single again. So I after a ton of discussion, I figured I would give it a go, spend the next little while in my own Fascinating Girl experiment.

Take a look at the ups and downs of my experiment.

A Fascinating Year

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

As Always,

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