Sunday, March 01, 2009

New Train Of Thought

See! I'm already doing better. Knocking out a new blog, just for you! It's still kinda early on Sunday morning but I thought I would post my to do list for next week just in hopes of actually crossing off some of them. This way there will be accountability, or something like that.


1. Buy some food. Considering that I ate the last bit of edible food in our house (some weirdly textured, runny yogurt), I think we will be pretty hungry next week without anything.

2. Clean out the fridge. This one is huge. There is some pretty old eggnog hanging out at the back of our fridge that isn't getting any fresher. At this point I am just too scared to look at all of the science experiments that might be forming in our fridge.

3. Finish doing the dishes. There aren't a lot left to do, but there is a good surplus of dirty, cough syrup laced spoons in our sink. Plus after the fridge cleaning out, there are bound to be a plethora of dishes to clean.

4. Recycle Roundup. Newspapers and cardboard are spilling from our haphazard recycling location. Lucky for us we live so close to the recycling centre, although it has been more than a little while since we last paid it a visit.

5. Find a fantastic job. Of course one that pays tons of money, lets me laugh every now and then, with people who are in awe of all of my natural talent. Tall order.

6. Laundry. I own a lot of work wear, not so much "I'm a hobo-- your basic shut-in" wear. Laundry piles up pretty fast.

7. Car Wash. Our cold and snowy winter has left my car looking not so glamorous. Thankfully I have a brown car, so it isn't super apparent that the last time I cleaned my car was in September. But with temperatures predicted to be on the plus side for a few days, it might be time for my own show and shine.

8. Take another stab at 'Gone With The Wind'. I should probably try and get Rhett out of jail and see if Scarlett is able to save Tara with her dress made out of curtains.

9. Sleep. At some point this week, I should attempt one night of eight hours. Keep your fingers crossed for this one.

10. Figure out a little something for you. Now I understand that your life continues even when I don't entertain you with my own musings, but isn't your day just a little better just reading this?

Hey! Did you realize it was March? Maybe this will be my month. It's hard to trust a month with only 28 days in it, it seems a little shifty. I'm trying to stay organized, positive and sane for the next 31 days and hopefully things will turn around. One can hope, can't they.

Good luck to us all. Happiness can't be that far away.

As Always,

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

I think your "to do" list is great! Lots to do this week, but think how organized you will feel when it's done. I have been praying for you in your job search. Happiness is just around the corner. Oh wait, happiness is here, because you have a great family who loves you and you have some meaningful work to do this week. Love you!