Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Keeping My Cards Close

By now, I am sure you have noted that Jenny and I do not have anything resembling good cable. We sadly catch up on all of our favourite shows, How I Met Your Mother or The Office, huddled around the computer. We excitedly anticipate new seasons on DVD to catch any episodes we might have missed.

So last night I picked up a few groceries and treats for Jenny and I, and also found a new TV series to watch, Samantha Who. I didn’t know too much about the show, but I was intrigued and hoped that my choice would turn out as good as Bones or How I Met Your Mother, and not like Dead Like Me, which was the last impromptu TV DVD purchase we made that fell more that flat.

Much to our relief, Samantha Who seemed to be great choice. Combining all the characteristics that Jenny and I look for in a series, it seemed smart, funny and sassy. We watched three episodes, looking forward to the rest of the season.

Kind of similar to 13 going 30, Samantha Who is about a girl who has amnesia and is trying to find out who she is, where she works, and exactly what happened in her life before the amnesia. If you are looking for a new show to get into, try this quasi girlie program.

Nothing else of much excitement to announce. I went to FHE last night only to miss the fun craziness of Ashley planned activities. I enjoyed our time spent making movies, creating lyrical dances, winning beauty competitions and learning all the skills required to be a ninja, rather than our recent activities of playing soccer, ultimate frisbee and, like we did last night, watch the boys play basketball.

Sadly, I learned a little late that the focus of FHE this year was sports, and for a non-athletic girlie girl like myself, I can’t imagine anything worse. But I still plan on attending if only to cheer my family on to victory. I have been alive long enough in the world to know that I am no assistance to my team when it comes to any sport.

Still staying positive. Looking forward to more Samantha Who tonight. Keeping my hair nicely backcombed and now, I’m just waiting.

As Always,


Laura said...

That's funny, I just started watching Samantha Who? last week. It didn't take long for the humor to be a little stale but it entertained me when I was sick on the couch and saved me from day time tv.

LeitaAnn said...

I've had horrible dreams and I didn't sleep well over the fact that I'm in a particular family. I think it's going to kill me, seriously.
At least you have hopes of Internet boyfriend coming to real life, all I've got is the majority of girls who are active being in my family.

Jenny said...

I miss the Talent shows, ninja competitions, and the "get dressed up in crazy clothes with your friends and take pictures". No...wait...