Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Trouble In The Cornflakes Box

I learned something this morning; productivity doesn’t get you much, besides more work. I guess it has gotten out that I am able get more than three or four letters done in eight hours, and so everyone has given me all of the work they “just haven’t gotten to”. So in addition to the ten or so files I was planning on working on today, I have another six files to get through. Maybe I should look at it as a vote of confidence, but I’m thinking it more in terms of others’ lack of motivation.

Let me just tell you something that I hate. We have a client who likes to call right before their appointment to make sure that they can still come in. Never has this person’s appointment been cancelled, or delayed. So don’t call me to say, “Is 2:30 still okay?” Isn’t that why we made an appointment? (Just so you know, I am billing you for that phone call.)

Alright, enough about work. No one even cares about that, least of all me. Before I go to bed every night, in addition to planning out what I will wear to work the next day, I usually think about what to write on here. If nothing overly monumental happens I think of old stories to tell, questions to answer or general tomfoolery to discuss. But for the past couple of days I have been unable to come up with anything (and I mean anything) to write.

I started this morning by writing up a kinda lame analogy that was even too complex for me to understand, I moved on to writing up a very, very long story that I am sure the majority of you already knew, some of you, by heart. I thought all through lunch, I read other’s blogs to be inspired, but it is official, I am suffering from major writers’ block.

The book I am currently reading (look at me being literate) was written by a first time author. And to be honest, you can really tell. There aren’t enough paragraph breaks, new characters are poorly introduced every half page or so, and even though the book is written in first person, the major characters all talk in third person. But the part I find most confusing, is the lack of quotation marks around any dialogue.

Every night I first wonder why I am still trudging through this mess of a book, and secondly that I could write a much better book. But these days, who knows. I am hoping that something amazing happens tonight to entertain you all with tomorrow. Or at the very least I am able to come up with a story from days gone by that I haven’t told too many time already.

Hoping to find my creative muse sooner rather than later.

Good Luck. Please, God Speed.

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