Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Facts and Works of Fiction

So let’s get the exciting and important news out of the way before we move onto the shenanigans of yesterday.

If you haven’t all ready heard via phone call, Facebook or just general rumour mill, Eric got his mission call yesterday. He is going to the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo West mission, Spanish speaking. He leaves on July 30, 2008.We are all very excited, although, I think Eric is right, it hasn’t quite sunk in yet.

When did we all get so old? It seems odd to be writing about Eric going on a mission; after all, shouldn’t he still be in high school? Really, shouldn’t I still be in high school?

Now with mission calls, house buying and other secrets yet to be revealed, it seems as if I am the only constant. The Trews had it right: “Everything is changing, I’m the same and aging.” But just you wait for this story.

So when I went to get my mole removed on Friday morning, I didn’t really tell anyone at the office where I was going or what I was doing. I mean, I told them I had an appointment, figuring, it was really none of their business the specific logistics of what I was doing.

I assumed it was more than obvious when I came back to the office, minus a mole and a large red scab where it once was. Any detective worth their weight could have solved this mystery. After all, I made the appointment at the office, called a few friends after the procedure to tell them how it went (it’s not like our offices’ are soundproof) and again, still have the red mark instead of a mole.

But anyways, yesterday one of the assistants pulled me aside and asked me….if I was pregnant.

Now first let me just say very clearly and very loudly, I AM NOT PREGNANT. In fact I have no real plans on have children for at least the next year, so don’t get excited. I understand that there are quite a very people out there who are my age and having children, or at least considering having children, but I am not one of them.

Anyways, I kindly told my co-worker that I was not pregnant, but I didn’t disclose my real reason for attending the doctor. I figured it was funnier to keep that shrouded in mystery. Well, soon after lunch the joke came around that everyone thought I was pregnant. I smiled politely and shook my head as everyone in the office wanted to confirm that I indeed was not with child. However, I wonder how long this joke will last, as they all asked “How’s the new mommy?” this morning.

What are you going to do?

Thanks for everything. Scarily, July will be here before we know it.

As Always,

1 comment:

LeitaAnn said...

Denise your pregnant?? Sheesh, you need to inform people of this wonderful event!