Monday, July 24, 2006

Hell Hath No Furry

Good guys of the world rejoice! Your ship has finally come in.

After an odd long weekend, full of both fun and stupidity, the girls and I have learned one thing...we are fed up!

We realized that we spend every weekend, and all of our energy dealing with stupid/angry/sad boys, meanwhile the good guys just sit back quietly in the background waiting for all of the drama to die down.

We are tired of hanging out with guys that annoy us, yell at us, blame us for things that don't matter or aren't our fault, call us names, expect us to supply all the food and fun, ditch us to find "hotter" girls, waste our time and our energy. I am no longer, cheering you up, feeding you, making sure that all your needs are met and that you are happy...all for what...for you to just yell at thanks.

We have made a list, we have checked it twice and we know who is naughty and who is nice.

Nice guys, don't worry. We will continue to call you, to have you part of our lives. Thank you for not being so selfish and just thinking about yourself. Thanks for the patience and we are sorry it took us so long to appreciate you.

Stupid boys, sorry you cooked your goose. Good luck in all your future endeavourers, hopefully you can find someone to take over where we left off. I just hope they can stand you for longer than we did.

1 comment:

LeitaAnn said...

I hope you said that stuff to their faces and since it's been two years, maybe it's a good reminder to repeat it?