Friday, June 09, 2006

It's Also Race Unity Day!

Well, it's my birthday today. (I hate to say that out loud because then you look super overly selfish...notice me, notice me!)

What?!? Is it? It can't be. Today, is Denise's birthday? I thought her birthday was in September or something? No, it's not today, is it?

Alright, so here are some birthday stories for you. I was thinking about it, and there are suprisingly quite a few.

  • I was, I guess, due on June 10, 1981. Hoewever, for some odd reason I decided to come on June 9. The ONE day I am early for something. The whole rest of my life I have have been late for everything. I like to think it is because I was early getting here, in an effort to never let that happen again, I am late for everything.

  • My birthday is always the same day as the Brooks Rodeo, or I should say around the same week. Second weekend in June. For some unknown reason, Brooks really loves the rodeo. The town is anything but cowboy, anything. But there are always a ton of Newfies and African walking around in cowboy hats all week. (Quite a funny picture) Midnight Madness was the end all, be all of things to do during rodeo. And my friends always wanted me to go with them. (I am not much for rides.) One year they begged me to go with them as a "birthday present" My friends didn't have enough money for me and them to get into the gate, so I ended up paying for it, and then because I was too scared to go on any of the rides, I just held everyone's coat all night! So then we went to play games, and my friends won all kinds of crap...and I didn't win anything, nothing. C'est La Vie.

  • Well, my birthday is the same day as Donald Duck! Pretty cool, eh?

So that is about it. Hope you all have a wonderful day, and a wonderful birthday when yours comes around.

Love you even when you are not with me.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Thanks! I miss the Rodeo too.
But more importantly, I miss you.