Thursday, March 09, 2006

I Don't Have An Answer. Maybe You Do.

Nothing like an 8 am blog to cleanse the soul.

How is everyone this morning?

I noticed something not long ago. And it probably isn't a big deal to the rest of you, but it somewhat bothers me.

Alright, my generation is very much in trouble. We still have NO idea what we are going to call this decade. Whether it is the 2000's or the 00's, no one knows. Like when they make a compilation CD it will be called..."Hits of the 00's"? (Which no doubt will have the Black Eyed Peas on it. I feel they will be the defining music of my generation. Which I am very disturbed about....Apologies if you happen to think they are cool. They aren't. But I am sorry regardless.)

The new car registration for 2007 is out. And on the sticker you put on your license plate, just says 07. However all of them from 2000-2006 are written out completely. Who decided that 2007 was the year that we only wrote two numbers? And why 2007? Doesn't that seem like kinda a random year?

We really need to figure out these years. When are we going to start saying 07 instead of 2007? You can't really just say Jan 15/14. Besides that looks stupid too. What did they do at the turn of the 1900's?

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